Friday, April 3, 2009

Porter Everett John DeBacker

This is auntie Jana, giving an update on baby DeBacker's arrival. After 30 hours of natural labor and 6 hours with an epidural, Maryanne's medical team ended up deciding that she needed a c-section, since she just wasn't progressing quickly enough.
Porter was born this morning. He's a big one: 9 pounds, 1.5 ounces, 20 inches. He has a full head of dark brownish-red hair and has been really calm so far. He loves his mamma. Every time the nurse has to do anything he just screams and screams, but as soon as he's back with Maryanne, he just settles right in and is calm as can be.
Both AJ and Maryanne are exhausted after about 48 hours of being awake, working hard and being stressed, but are both in great spirits! They'll be at Silverton Hospital until Monday if you want to visit.


Chris Steele said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see more pictures--he looks like a cutie.

Glory Laine said...

Triple love the name Porter. What a time you guys had getting that baby here safely. So glad you were in good care and we have a happy ending. I too can't wait to see more pictures of this little red head.

Christy said...

Congratulations!! What a beautiful baby boy. Perfect in every way.

By the way, its me Christy Shannon Lowry, I found your blog via Andy & Ruth.

Julie Stubbs said...

Congratulations AJ and Maryanne -
I get a big smile on my face when I think about the miracle you are holding and the amazing love you must be feeling in your hearts for Porter and each other.
Enjoy every moment - he's gonna' grow fast (and he's starting out soo big - way to go, guys!)
God Bless -
Julie S. at AMS