Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's late but I am getting a post up today so here it goes.

My 19th month old Porter doesn't have a huge vocabulary but he does have a few words he can saw with clearness and clarity that it makes me smile. When he was younger, the way you knew he was in to something was he would point and make a noise as if to say, "Look, a balloon," or "look, a dog." He was fascinated by balloons and no matter where you went there was bound to be a balloon. Try driving by a car dealership on the weekend. Millions of balloons. The grocery store, has one tied to each check out line. Red Robin, they are all over the ceiling! You get my point, he was fascinated. Then it switched to dogs. The park, the parade, a dog walking down the street and he would see them out the car window. Home Depot. You name it, he found a dog no matter where we went.

Well, fast forward to about 2 months ago when Porter wasn't clearly saying much of anything but he could say, "Ball." And it wasn't ball like you and I say it, it is "ba'awl" like he has an accent of some sort. And he doesn't say it once, he is stuck on repeat because he loves balls and because he loves the sound of saying the word.

Take him to Target and the moment you step in the store he will ask you for "ba'awl." Go to church and he will ask you for "ba'awl." We went to my brother's house and Porter found one of his kid's soccer ball and all Porter wanted was the soccer ball. We had to leave shortly after he found it and all the way home he chanted, "ba'awl" over and over and starting crying that he didn't get the ball.

It is the cutest thing to hear him say and tonight as we were putting him to bed, he realized ba'awl time was over and he started to do a little fake cry that was his way of trying to convince us to allow him to stay up later and play with his ball. But we didn't give in as the boy needs his 12 hours of sleep, but he was a little bummed. Nothing his bed and favorite blankie couldn't truly fix.

Just another moment in time that I am trying to cherish but sometime the last thing I want to hear is the word "ba'awl" again!

Oh, by the way, Porter thinks it is stinkin' hilarious if you can spin the ball on your finger, he will belly laugh at you. So if you have that time and want to hear a good baby belly laugh, bring your skills on over to our house and keep Porter entertained while I do some housecleaning!

1 comment:

Millers' Memorable Milestones said...

Wow! So many stories since I last looked! We're pulling for you as well as praying for you, Maryanne! I so enjoy reading your accounts of life as a mother of a toddler and another on the way! We're looking forward to playing ba'awl with your son!