Monday, November 15, 2010

Blog paralysis

As November 1st approached I thought about the challenge of blogging all month long. I thought, oh, that would be good motivation for me to blog about the various things I have always wanted to blog about. I thought it would get me out of my non-blogging funk. I thought, oh, I will be funny and witty, inspiring and uplifting to all who read my blog (all 3 of you). I had a multitude of ideas and so it just made sense to me to take on the challenge.

Well, here we are halfway through the month and I have never felt more boring in my life. My blogs seem rambling and run-on and uninspiring in every way. Each day I rack my brain to try and come up with an idea of what to write about. For some reason, of recent, my life just seems boring. I am pregnant, yea yea yea. My son is cute, yea yea yea. My husband is a gamer, yea yea yea. Who cares about that stuff over and over again.

I am in a blogging rut.

15 days in and I have hit the plateau.

I want to be funny, witty, inspiring and charming.

This is a process and a challenge, right? And sometimes you hit rough patches but you just work through them as part of the process and thus, learn and get a little better.

So here's to getting better in the next few weeks and on. I hope to continue blogging more often. Now I just need some ideas of what to blog about. Ideas?


Christi said...

I like Ordinary!!

A lot of times I take pictures throughout the day and then I write posts around my pictures.

I'm interested in what you have been learning know how our lives go though different themes and the same lessons keep popping up over and over?

Also, do you have any embarrassing moments?

jana said...

You should write about what you like about being pregnant...I know there must be at least a couple of things you like about it!

You could write about the different places you and AJ have lived.

You could write about the million different jobs you have had and which ones were your favorite?

You could write about your relationship with your sister and how it has changed since you were kids.

I could come up with more if you need them :)

Christy said...

I like ordinary too!

But don't you have some funny insurance stories?

I like reading your blog :)